19 Days Birding in Ethiopia

Day One: Addis Ababa

Upon your arrival in Addis, you will be welcomed by the guide from Afrikan Wildlife Safaris. Depending on your time of arrival, you may visit Gefersa reservoir. Here we focus on finding three endemics: Wattled Ibis, Blue-winged Goose, and Abyssinian Longclaw. We overnight in Addis Ababa


Day Two: Addis Ababa to Debre Libanos

Today we will cross the Sululta Plains, where highlanders thresh  their teff (a millet-like grain), we will likely see White-collared Pigeon, Red-breasted Wheatear, and Black-headed Siskin. Lunch  near the Debre Libanos Monastery should introduce us to the first  of of many Gelada Baboon troops, the endemic Rueppell’s Chat,  and White-winged Cliff Chat. Juniper woodlands around the  monastery hold Black-winged Lovebird, White-cheeked Turaco,  Banded Barbet, White backed Tit, White-bellied Starling, and  Dark-headed Oriole.

Day Three: Debre Libanos to Jemmu Valley to Debre Birhan

This morning, we will be leaving very early, we arrive at the nearby Jemmu Valley at dawn. Here, we hope to bag the rare and shy Harwood’s Francolin, Fox Kestrel, and many other dry country residents. There are even chances for rare endemics like Red-billed Pytilia and the drab Yellow-rumped Serin. We eat our picnic lunch next to a beautiful river with nesting weavers, kingfishers, swallows, and storks to interrupt our sandwich munching. In the late afternoon, we make our way to Debre Birhan via one of the most beautiful stretches of the Ethiopian highlands, where people live in beautiful farmsteads that are ringed with ancient euphorbia hedges, which have the aspect of medieval castles from a distance!


Day Four: Debre Birhan to Ankober

After breakfast, we will search for Ankober Serin, a highly localized and elusive endemic only discovered in 1976. After lunch we plunge over the breath-taking cliffs of the Great Rift Valley to its foothill savannas, searching for the endemic Yellow-throated Serin. Other possibilities include White-rumped Babbler, Half-collared Kingfisher, Bare-faced Go-away-bird, Shining Sunbird, and a variety of raptors. The night will be spent near Ankober.


Day Five: Ankober to Awash National Park

This is mostly driving day, we will make a long and thrilling drive across Afar territory. Here we will have many encounters with stoic Afar tribesmen draped in cotton tunics and sporting impressive afro hairstyles. The day should be spiced up by several bustard species, including the impressive Arabian Bustard. Other desirables expected include Black-billed Woodhoopoe, Abyssinian Scimitarbill, Yellow-breasted Barbet, Red-bellied Parrot, Nile Valley Sunbird, and Lichtenstein’s Sandgrouse.


Days Six and Seven: Awash National Park

Another fascinating day, the grasslands and acacia woodlands of Awash National Park may produce the poorly known Red-winged and Gillett’s Larks as well as the dazzling Rosy-patched Bushshrike, the elegant Scissor-tailed Kite, the suave Somali Fiscal, and many more. Awash also has a thriving population of Beisa Oryx, Soemmering’s Gazelle, and the impressive Hamadryas Baboon. Our nights will be spent at a lodge inside the park.


Day Eight: Awash to Langano

Another long drive to Lake Langano, stopping at several Rift Valley lakes en route. Avian possibilities at the lakes include Great Black-headed Gull, Black Crowned-Crane, Lesser Jacana, and African Pygmy Goose. We overnight at the edge of Lake Langano.


Day Nine: Langano

We will go for the early morning birding to look for Grayish Eagle-Owl, Von der Decken’s Hornbill, White-bellied Canary, and Black-cheeked Waxbill. Palearctic visitors might include Masked Shrike and Common Nightingale. In the afternoon we drive to the south end of Lake Langano, where the lush forests still harbor the rare endemic Yellow-fronted Parrot. Other residents include Silvery-cheeked Hornbill, Double-toothed Barbet, Red-shouldered Cuckoo-shrike, Abyssinian Woodpecker, Abyssinian Ground-Thrush, Scaly-throated Honeyguide, and Black Sawwing. Boisterous troops of Black-and-white Colobus Monkeys frequent the towering fig trees. We overnight at a comfortable eco-lodge at the edge of a beautiful patch of forest.


Day Ten: Langano to Goba

We will have breakfast, do some few hours of birding at Langano, we head for the Afro-alpine moorlands and highland juniper forests of the Bale highlands, where Moorland and Chestnut-naped Francolins abound, along with vivacious Abyssinian Catbirds, skulking Cinnamon Bracken-Warblers, bold and unabashed Rouget’s Rails, and the elegant Spot-breasted Lapwing. We spend the next three nights in Goba.

Gallery of the Top 20 Birds in Ethiopia:

Day Eleven: Sof Omar

This will be an exciting day to search for Salvadori’s Serin, one of Ethiopia’s toughest endemics. We should also find Northern Brownbul, Somali Tit, Somali Crow, and the startling Bristle-crowned Starling. On top of its birds, Sof Omar offers a vibrant cultural spectacle, as villagers travel from miles around to access the water here. The sight of thirsty camels, splashing kids, and women washing clothes is timeless and beautiful.


Day Twelve: Goba to Sanetti Plateau

This another exercise day to bird Africa’s highest and most beautiful road, crossing a vast expanse of spongy moorlands dotted with incandescent red-hot pokers and regal giant lobelias. We scour the spectacular scenery seeking Wattled Crane, Lammergeier, Golden Eagle, and Red-billed Chough. Handsome Ethiopian Wolves are often seen bounding across the open plains. Juniper and Hagenia forests drape over the escarpment edges, and hold Montane Nightjar, Abyssinian Long-eared Owl, “Bale” Brown Warbler, and Abyssinian Crimson-wing.


Day Thirteen: Goba to Negele

On this day, we will cross the Harenna Forest, we drive south for most of the day, stopping at several Prince Ruspoli’s Turaco stakeouts until luck smiles on us. This gorgeous, enigmatic, and extremely range-restricted bird may just be the best bird in Ethiopia. The next two nights are spent in Negele.


Day Fourteen: Negele

This morning, we will search the incredibly stark Liben Plains for the last endangered and rapidly disappearing Sidamo Larks. Further southeast, near Filtu, we bird a vast expanse of thorn scrub for Somali Crombec, Red-fronted Bush-Shrike, Three-streaked Tchagra, Hunter’s Sunbird, Somali Bunting, Banded Warbler, and many other species.


Day Fifteen: Negele to Yabello

We will drive to Yabello, we stop at the Dawa River for African White-winged Dove, Juba Weaver, and Black-bellied Sunbird. Near our destination we shall admire the industrious Stresemann’s Bush-Crow foraging in groups. The exquisite White-tailed Swallow, our last endemic target, is found among a whole suite of other southern specialties otherwise possible only in northern Kenya, such as Somali and Three-banded coursers, African Bare-eyed Thrush, Red-naped Bushshrike, Pringle’s Puffback, Golden-breasted Starling, and Chestnut and Parrot-billed sparrows. Two nights will be spent at Yabello.


Day Sixteen: Yabello

The whole of this day will be spent in Yabella birding searching for species like Somali Courser, Foxy Lark, and Black-capped Social-Weaver. We should also have more chances to observe the remarkable Yabello-area endemics: White-tailed Swallow and Stresemann’s Bush-Crow.

Day Seventeen: Yabello to Awassa

On this day, we will visit the Awassa Fish Market and its busy lake, which will provide an unforgettable experience. Marabou Storks, Eastern White Pelicans, and the endemic and well-endowed Thick-billed Ravens all squabble frantically over fish scraps (and your lunch if you’re not careful). We overnight on the shores of Lake Awassa.


Day Eighteen: Awassa to Addis Ababa

We will do some morning birding around Lake Awassa, then return to Addis, targeting any possible remaining birds along the way. Night in Addis.


Day Nineteen: Departure

After your breakfast, you will be transferred to the international airport  to catch your flight back home.